Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The lunch-time treadmill

I managed to get a run in at lunch today at the gym. Scheduling conflicts in both the morning and evening meant that either today's workout was going to be skipped, or it was going to be during my lunch hour. I haven't used the treadmill for running since last winter, and it didn't take me long to remember now much I dislike it. Also not a big fan of the lunch-hour workout thing. You could say I'm a bit of a heavy sweating guy, and trying to get back to work on time by trying to get showered and cooled off as quickly as possible just leads to more sweating for me. Outdoor running will always be the way to go.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I am so there with the treadmill. I H.A.T.E. the treadmill. Unfortunately when I travel I must suffer through at least 30 minutes on one. I prefer outdoor running but in unfamiliar territory and darkness...I'd rather be safe.

As for lunch time runs.......take a cool to cold shower. You need to cool down your core before returning to work.

Sweaty meetings...not fun.