Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Well, that sucked.

I spent the afternoon yesterday being excited about how there is less than 3 weeks left until the 70.3. After work I remained quite pumped up, and so I went out for some hill repeats on the bike. The 94k course is quite hilly (which I guess makes it more of a 76.7, not a 70.3), and any hill related prep work I can do would be a help, or so I thought. My conclusion? I suck. Or I should probably say Suck, with a big old CAPITAL S. Granted, I had a hard swim workout yesterday morning, and it was a big distance weekend for me on both the bike and the run, with a 100km ride Saturday followed by a 20km run Sunday. Given that my longest race is an Olympic triathlon, that is pretty far. But despite taking Monday off, my legs were heavy and slow, like some sort of combination of cast iron and molasses. Bad times. I trudged through a few times up the hill and went home. It was indeed a brutal experience. Not the kind of confidence builder I'm looking for this close to my first half IM. At least I don't have to worry about being cocky or overconfident... so I've got that going for me.

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