Friday, November 16, 2007

Good toe... plus my mental problems

Well, this week I biked, I swam, and I ran, and the toe seemed to hold up pretty good. So much for having an excuse to sit on the couch. They say that mental preparation is often overlooked in a training program. Well, based on my indoor trainer use so far, I'm going to have quite a few opportunities to toughen up my brain this winter. I've never owned an indoor bike trainer before, and I just got this one a couple of weeks ago. I'm finding that I am having a lot of trouble staying focused while spinning away. Even watching a sports talk show hasn't really helped -- I thought for sure that would make the time go by quickly. I get bored and I start watching the clock, counting the minutes. I'm worried because I'm only in the early stages of my off-season program, which means I'm not even cycling for all that long yet. What happens when the time in the saddle starts to increase? I have recently obtained a couple of "spinerval" base building DVDs, so maybe that will help. I really, really want my bike segments to be better in 2008, so slacking off on the cycling workouts wouldn't exactly help that cause. Another bike workout tonight, so we'll see how things go.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I can't watch TV when on the trainer. I lose focus immediately! Spinervals are amazing. But I find an ipod full of good tunes does the trick too! Make sure you write down a workout for yourself first. Then you have something to concentrate on.



ps. I broke my second toe during IM training and it didn't slow me down. The big one is the only one you really have to worry about. Break that one and you're screwed...